Don't let your hard work go to waste. Get the very most out of your body and fuel it between workouts to maximize your gains. At Renegade Fitness, we're committed to helping you learn, implement, and sustain effective nutrition strategies that can help your body thrive.
Join us in Sylvania and take on the best Nutrition Coaching around. Just fill out the short form on your screen to get started!
The concept is simple. You can see results with fitness alone. And you can see success with effective nutrition strategies.
But without both, you'll never make the progress and sustain the success that you're hoping to see.
With our Nutrition Coaching, we're making it easier than ever before for you to understand the most important elements of your diet and to implement those strategies into your everyday life. Paired with our cutting-edge Personal Training, our Nutrition Coaching can put you on the fast track to improved health and incredible self-confidence.
At Renegade Fitness we're providing men and women across Sylvania with TWO amazing Nutrition programs:
Thrive Nutrition Program:
It’s a 5 week nutrition kick start where we will be telling you what to eat, how much, and how often. And the results you will experience can be incredible! The program has been designed to take the guesswork out of your nutrition. We will guide you step-by-step with a program specially designed to give you balanced nutrition while being super easy to follow.
Expect to learn a ton of new insights about effective eating for your goals through coaching and be supported by our nutrition team at a more in depth level for 5 weeks.
What our team is offering is a program where you will learn an updated way to plan your meals in the right portions so you can develop a lifestyle that is more effective in managing your weight and energy levels; whether your goal is to lose X amount of pounds, or to gain X amount of muscle mass, or any other goal in between.
What makes this whole journey so much better is that you get to do it while eating some fantastic foods you actually enjoy!
1 On 1 Nutrition Coaching Program:
With our Nutrition Coaching, we're making it easier than ever before for you to understand the most important elements of your diet and to implement those strategies into your everyday life.
We work together and use a personalized macronutrient tracking approach, while incorporating habit practice and coaching through eating strategies that will fit your individual lifestyle.
No one person has the exact same needs as well as the same daily outline. We don’t believe in strict meal plans because it teaches nothing about food and provides little to no flexibility.
No matter how we start, we adjust! Everyone has to find their groove that fits them and potentially their family. That is why we work together to figure that out.
We currently offer 3 different monthly coaching options for 1on1 nutrition coaching depending on your starting point, goals and how much accountability you would like to have from our team.
Get the very most out of everything you do with our Nutrition Coaching at Renegade Fitness. We're taking the guesswork out of nutrition and helping you make smart decisions on the path to improved health and wellness. Join us today and make your goals a reality.
Our Nutrition Coaching helps you refuel after every workout and build success one step at a time.
Just fill out the short form on your screen to get started!